Nowadays, approximately 40% of the US population does not have dental insurance. This translates to: if you need to do an urgent procedure or simply want to do preventive treatment, you will certainly be spending a lot of money at home.
However, there is an alternative to that, which is the so-called “dental tourism”. Travelling to another country to get a medical or dental procedure can save as much as 70% of the total cost back home. And that includes flight tickets, hotels and the treatment itself. You will see below some of the best and cheapest countries for dentistry in the world.
Currently, India has the cheapest dental costs in the world, ranging from 70 to 90% in certain treatments. But that does not mean poor quality, as you will be able to find the latest technologies and techniques in clinics with international accreditation that have partnerships with hospitals in Europe and the US.
With world renowned dentists and top-notch facilities, Hungary is the top destination for Europeans to get dental treatment. Prices are about 70% cheaper than in the US but might not be the best option for Americans looking for small or elective procedures, as there are similar prices in nearby countries. However, it’s recommended if you are looking for getting a major treatment with reputable practitioners.
Did you know that in 2019 over 6.5 million people traveled to Mexico just to get dental treatment? About 20% of those people were from the United States, as it is within driving distance for some people, saving time and cash. On average, dental procedures will cost you 60% less than if done in the United States, with shorter waiting times.
Known for its cuisine, culture, beaches and history, Thailand is also one of the most visited countries for getting any medical procedure done. In fact, Bangkok doctors and dentists are used to treating foreign patients and on average you will be saving over 60% by having your procedure done there.
This eastern European country has perhaps the lowest dentistry rates in all of the western world. Single tooth implants for example, costs on average $600, whereas in the United States it won’t be less than $5,000. This is a safe and reliable option for everyone. There are many Americans that go to Romania just to have their treatment done.
On average, dental procedure prices are about half than in the USA and it is common to find English-speaking certified dentists and medical doctors within Panama City. Plus, you will not have to worry about currency exchange rates as Panama officially uses US dollars.
By the way, spending money on dental treatment can be pointless if you do not follow your dentist’s recommendations and retain bad habits. Smoking is one of the leading causes of tooth decay and other illnesses. If you are trying to quit, nicotine pouches can be a great alternative to that, as this tobacco-free replacement does not stain your teeth and can be easily disposed afterwards. Learn more here.